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Charlie talks with Stephen Badger of Lord Wandsworth College about the ten core principles are that underpin their Personal Leadership Programme for students after the leave the college.
Business Leader Podcast
Charlie talks about an 'inside out' mindset, following the release of his new book, Inside Out. He covers how social media and self-talk can affect our mindset and some top tips to start aiming towards an Inside Out mindset. Listen by clicking the button below.
In a series with Amy Williams MBE, Charlie gives great insight into different areas of Sport Psychology such as visualisation, relaxation and mental performance, and dealing with nerves and anxiety in the video above. To watch more, click the button below.

Gowling Podcast - The Language of Leadership
Charlie works with Gowling WLG to explore the leadership lessons businesses can take from sport. Golwing and Charlie analyse language used by elite individuals in sports and business, and have developed six lessons for business leaders to take from sports leaders. In this series, we'll be discussing one lesson per episode with a leading figure in sport. Two clips are below, if you would like to access the entire series, click the button to the right.
Kate and Helen Richardson-Walsh–Gold winning hockey duo discuss success and failure with Charlie and Gowling Podcast presenter, Ayo Akinwolere.
Ebony Rainford-Brent talks about Leading with Example
Paul McVeigh, ex premier league football player speaking with Charlie and Gowling Podcast presenter, Ayo Akinwolere about applying skills from sport to business.
Amy Conroy talks about the similarities in sport and business when it comes to Constant Self Improvement
Kate and Helen Richardson-Walsh talk about their experiences with success and failure
Charlie and Paul McVeigh discuss Confidence
James Guy discusses the fundamentals of Respect in sport and business
Talking Tenacity with Sam Quek